For decades, Israel has sponsored “Birthright” trips to show
young Jews the glories of the Jewish state. It has been a popular program
salted by easy “hook ups” with young sexy Israeli soldiers, both male and
female. Participants are even provided
with “An Unofficial guide to Sex on Birthright Israel,” complete with
information as to which brand of condoms are safest. Most Birthright trips are
joined by young Israeli soldiers who surmise that the possibility of uncomplicated
sex with their choice of dozens of exotic foreigners, thousands of miles away
from Daddy, is too much of an opportunity to let slip by. So, the Unofficial Guide to Sex on Birthright Israel
says, “If you just want to have sex with an Israeli soldier, then by all
means go for it.”[i]
Yet, in spite of the erotic pull, some Birthright kids
are walking out.
Philip Weiss reports:
Yesterday two more Birthright
tours of Israel were struck by walkouts in Jerusalem. Two from one group, six
from another group – making 13 in all to stage these walkouts.[ii]
The fact that each year the Israeli army arrest about
500-700 Palestinian children, some as young as 12 years old, most of them
subjected to physical violence and interrogation, without parents or lawyer,
grates against the Jewish values of more and more Birthright kids.
And then there is Gaza. The number of Palestinians killed
by Israeli snipers since the beginning of the protest on March 30th
is over 135 with more than 15,000 injured. Over 2,530 of the injured are
children, 1,160 are women.[iii]
B’Selem, the Israeli human rights group, condemns the shooting of unarmed
demonstrators across the fence as “crimes.” Some are saying that the American
Jewish love affair with Israel is over.”[iv]
Younger Jews have heard too much about the forced displacement of 700,000
indigenous people and Israel’s continued abuse of their human rights to simply
buy into the Zionist narratives proclaimed by their parents and grandparents.
Younger Jews, both in Israel and America are asking what it means to have
Jewish values in the 21st century. And when Birthright tours refuse
to even acknowledge the existence of the wall, checkpoints and the blockade of
Gaza, some choose to express their Jewish values by walking out.
Thomas Are
July 25, 2018
[i] Wendy in furs, The
Unofficial Guide to Sex on Birthright Israel, Jewlicious THE Jewish Blog,
February 12, 2011.
[ii] Philip Weiss, Eight more Jews Walk out on Birthright; saying
Tour has no Place for Palestinians., July 16, 2018
[iii] These numbers are too
readily available to limit their source to any one website. Just Google.
[iv] Israel just Lost American Jews,, April 5, 2018